Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Recalled to the light

The last book begins with a mixture of Despereaux, Roscuro, and Miggory as the main characters. It begins in Despereaux's view. Gregory the jailor hid him in the napkin on the tray Mig brought down. He heard the entire plan and was the only one who could stop it. But when Mig picks up the napkin he gets dumped into a mesuring cup of oil. When on the floor he gets his tail chopped off before he runs away. Then he falls asleep in a sack of flour, too exhasted to do anything.
While Despereaux slept Roscuro and Mig carry out their plan. Mig with a knife and a candle carries the rat to the Princess's room. Their they wake the Princess. She is told to put on the dress she was wearing at the ball when the Queen died. Then she is told to put on her crown. The rat and the serving girl lead the Princess deep into the dungeon.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The end of Miggory Sow's story

When Miggory gets to the castle they find that she is not a very good maid. After failing as a maid she is put to work in the kitchen. However she soon fails at helping in the kitchen. The cook decides that the only place left for her is the dungeon. Every maid who has been down their didn't ever want to go back.
However the strange noises that one usually hear when taking the jailer, Gregory, his meal cannot be heard by Mig. She finds the dungeon no scarier than any other place. She then begins to sing on the way down the stairs which is how Roscuro finds her. After giving Gregory his meal she then starts to go up the stairs when Roscuro stops her. She tells him of her plan to be a Princess one day and he sees how she can be of use to him and tells her his plan.

Miggory Sow's story

Miggory's mother died when she was six. Mig's father sold her the very day her mother died to man for a red table cloth, a hen, and a handful of cigarettes. Mig called the man who purchased her "Uncle." "Uncle" wasn't related to Mig in anyway though. Mig however recieved clouts to the however that made her hard of hearing. The less she heard the more things she did wrong. The more things she did wrong the more clouts to ear she got. The more clouts to the ear she got the less she heard. So went this never ending circle.
When Mig turned seven she was forced to watch the sheep. In the pasture she saw the King, the Queen and the Princess. That was how she got the idea that she wanted to be a Princess. A soldier comes when Mig is twelve. He is their by the order of the King to take away Uncle's kettle, spoons, and bowls. As it is illegal for a person to own another person the soldier takes Miggory with him to the castle where she will be a servant not a slave.

The end of the rat's story

Roscuro finally gets out of the dugeon. Dazzled by it all he admires all the light the streams through the stain glass windows. He soon discovers a party that royal family is having. Everyone is dressed up in bright clothes and their are jugglers and entertainers at the party. The rat was so dazzled by it that he invited himself to the party.
He climbed his way up to the chandiler. There the Princess spotted him. When she called out that their was a rat on the chandiler Roscuro fell right into the Queen's soup. The Queen's favorite food was soup and when see a rat in her soup she simply look at it for a moment. Then she threw her spoon and scream before saying "Their is a rat in my soup" and dying. Then when everyone was busy trying to save the Queen, Roscuro had been forgotten. He looked back and saw the Princess glaring at him. This broke his heart. He then put the Queen's soup spoon on his head and vowed revenge. After that he went back to the dungeon.
The king also had the idea to outlaw rats. Of course how do you outlaw outlaws? The king's men tried to go into the dungeon and kill the rats but as rats aren't found unless the want to be the simply wasted their time.

The rat's story

The next bit is about a rat named Chiaroscuro and called Roscuro. Chiaroscuro means light and darkness mixed together. Roscuro was born in the dungeon as a rat. His story starts when he starts to chew on Gregory's rope. Gregory's rope helps him find his way through the dungeon which is why he hold's a match to Roscuro's face hoping to scare him away. This however simply starts his obsession for light.
Roscuro's friend's name is Botticelli. Brotticelli says that Roscuro doesn't want light. He manages to convince Roscuro that what he wants is the red table cloth that the new criminal in the dungeon has. Roscuro speaks to the criminal and finds out that he sold his daughter for a red table cloth, a hen, and a handful of cigarettes. He tells the criminal that he will take away his sins when in fact all he does he run away with the man's red table cloth. But after looking at the table cloth some more he realizes that he wants light more than the red table cloth.

The end of the mouse's story

I have finished Despereaux's story. It talks about how he heard the king playing. Unknowingly he walked right up to the King, who was playing to the Princess. The King, who doesn't have the best eye sight called him a bug because he was so small. The Princess however picked Despereaux up and Despereaux fell in love with the Princess.
After all the mice are horrified because Despereaux's brother saw the Princess touching the mouse. The put Despereaux to trial and find him guilty. The thread bearer ties a length of red thread around his neck. Then two hooded mice take him to the dungeon. On the way to the dungeon he finds out one the of the hooded mice is his brother. The kick him into the dungeon where he is picked up by Gregory the jailor. In exchange for Despereaux telling him and story he will find a way to get Despereaux out of the dungeon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The tale of Desperauex

I am guessing on the spelling since I can't find the book but I have read the first part.
The book's main character is Desperauex who is a very tiny mouse with very large ears. He is able to read and does nothing that a usually mouse would do. He reads many fairytales over and over again. His favorite part seems to be once upon a time.
The story gets more interesting as I got into the book more. Desperauex lives in the land's castle and the Queen's favorite food is soup. Unfortunately when she dies the king is so over come with grief that he orders all soup making and eating utinsils brought to the castle so no one can make soup ever again. The author's says this is rather ridiculous as you can never really stop people from making soup. Thats all I've read so far but it sounds good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The book is finished

Qwilleran moves in with an art critic who works for the paper. The man has a cat with a very large name which Qwilleran shortens to Koko. Koko likes to read the newspaper the man sets on the floor for him backwards (the name for the book). Qwilleran's interest in his subject deepens further when a art shop owner is killed.
After some dead ends Qwilleran is asked to watch the art critic's cat while he is away. Qwilleran accepts and is surprised to see how smart Koko is. Soon after the art critic comes back Qwilleran comes back to find Koko wanting him to go into the man's apartment. It turns out the art critic has been murdered! With the art critic gone Koko moves in with Qwilleran and shows how smart he really is by showing Qwilleran to some very important clues. One turns out to be a valuable painting and the other a secret room. Upon coming back to it Qwilleran meets up with the murderer and all the clues fall into place.
I finished the book it was very good and I would recommend it to those who a little higher up in vocabulary or those who can infere a lot about words from their surrounds for this is an adult mystery book.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The cat who could read backwards

This is a book borrowed from my Grandma. It is a murder mystery and don't worry they never describe the murder scenes in these books so I have nothing to worry about. It is only an adult mystery because of it's wide vocabulary. I have found many of our vocabulary words in these books as well as many words that aren't in our vocabulary at school that I don't know.
This main character of this book is a man named Qwilleran. He lives alone and is a newspaper reporter. This is the first book of the series and hopefully will be good. It starts out about him applying for a job at the 'Daily Fluxion.' He is disappointed to here that he will be writing about art when he is in fact a well known police reporter and crime writer. But as he is badly in need of a job he takes it. He is suppose to write an article about Cal Halapay, a famous artist. His friend Arch Riker is also there and he tells Qwilleran the memo system for news.
Blue means for you information.
Yellow means casual sujestion.
Pink means jump, man, jump.
Just Qwillerans luck to get a pink memo isn't it? Not much has happened but the mystery will start a bit later.

New book

I have decided to stop the diary of Anne Frank. I already know whats going to happen as I learned about it from friends who already told me the ending it has little intrest for me any more. I have decided to start another book that hopefully be much more interesting. It is a mystery, as I love mysteries.
I decided to stop Anne Frank because her story ending is very tragic and I like happy endings. I have also decided to stop because Anne Frank is a library book and I don't want to have to keep checking it out. These next ones shall be borrowed from my grandma or I will own them so I may write about them freely and not have to worry about a fine.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prospectus and guide to the "secret annex."

Anne wrote a charming piece about the "secret annex" which I will put here.
"Prospectus and guide to the "secret annex."
Social institution as temporary residence for Jews and suchlike.
Open all year round. Beautiful, quiet, free from woodland surroundings, in the heart of Amsterdam. Can be reached by trams 13 and 17, also by car or bicycle. In special cases also on foot, if the Germans are prevent use of transport.
Board and lodging: Free
Special fat free diet.
Running water in the bathroom (alas, no bath) and down various inside and outside walls.
Ample storage room for all types of goods.
Own radio center, direct communication with London, New York, Tel Aviv, and numerous other stations. This appliance is only for residents' use after 6:00 in the evening. No stations are forbidden, on the understanding that German stations are only listened to in special cases, such as classical music and the like.
Rest hours: 10:00 in the evening until 7:30 in the morning. 10:15 on Sundays. Residents may rest during the day, conditions permitting as the directors indicate. For reasons of public security rest hours must be strictly observed!!
Holidays (outside home): Postponed indefinitely.
Use of Language: Speak softly at all times, by order! All civilized languages are permitted, therefore no German!
Lessons: One written shorthand per week. English, French, Mathematics, and History at all times.
Small Pets- Special department (permit is necessary):Good treatment available (vermin excepted).
Mealtimes: Breakfast, every day except Sundays and Bank Holidays, 9 A.M. Sundays and Banks Holidays, 11:30 A.M. approximately.
Lunch (not very big): 1:15 P.M. to 1:45 P.M.
Dinner: cold and/or hot: no fixed time (depending on the news broadcast).
Duties: Residents must always be ready to help with the office work.
Baths: The washtub is available for all residents from 9 A.M. on Sunday.
Alcoholic Beverages: only with doctor's prescription."
Anne writes. It's strange what they had to live through just to survive!

Mr. Dussell comes

In the next chunk I read Anne talks about Mr. Dussell. Mr. Dussell is a dentist who's wife happens to be out of country. She describes him as surprised that they are still in the country having given everyone the idea that they had gone out of the country. He shares a room with Anne who though is a bit reluctant agrees to it. She finds the time Mr. Dussell gets up as way too early and is Annoyed at him for waking her up with all his racket.
The next bit Anne talks about feeling guilty and her relationships with the people there. She feels guilty about having a place where she is safe while all the other Jews are marched away. She also finds the way the radio talks about Jews annoying. She says that it sounds as if they were talking about cockroaches and not Jews. Her relationship with her family and the Van Daans to be shaky. As both Peter and Margot are quiet she is the main target for the grown ups harsh words. She says she can't bear the way they talk about her being childish in everything she does.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anne Frank

Anne has just started to write about the "secret annex". She writes that Margot tells her that a letter to be deported has come for her. Anne is shocked that they would deport a girl as young as Margot. She writes about Miep and her husband Hank taking hastily prepared items to the "secret annex". Then she writes about having to put on many layers of clothing on a very hot day. She writes that Margot left with Miep earlier on a bicycle.
Anne then writes a very detailed description of the "secret annex". All of her entries are now addressed "Dear Kitty". I believe this is because she misses her cat. She writes about not liking Peter for he is shy and lazy. She writes about Mr. and Mrs. Van Daans fights. She also writes about how Mrs. Van Daan flirts with her father. She also writes about her and Peter getting along and bit better.
She had a bit of trouble with her mother and Margot and only understanding her father but it has smoothed over now. She sounds bored in most of her entries though I can't blame her for being quiet and never coming out isn't very exciting. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My book

The book I shall be reading is called "The Diary of Anne Frank". Anne Franks diary was first published in 1947 by the request of her Dad, Otto Frank. Anne's diary was originally in German but it has been translated into more than 30 different languages! Anne Frank is 13 in her first entry. She has one pet, a cat name Moortje. She has a Mom, a Dad and a 16 year old sister.

Her first entry is on her birthday. She writes that she got up at 6:00 but couldn't wake anyone up until a quarter to 7. She writes about the gifts she recieved, including the book that she is using for a diary. She writes about her many friends and the many boys she likes. She also writes of a boy who walks her to school.

Thats about all I've read so far but she seems to be very happy.