Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The tale of Desperauex

I am guessing on the spelling since I can't find the book but I have read the first part.
The book's main character is Desperauex who is a very tiny mouse with very large ears. He is able to read and does nothing that a usually mouse would do. He reads many fairytales over and over again. His favorite part seems to be once upon a time.
The story gets more interesting as I got into the book more. Desperauex lives in the land's castle and the Queen's favorite food is soup. Unfortunately when she dies the king is so over come with grief that he orders all soup making and eating utinsils brought to the castle so no one can make soup ever again. The author's says this is rather ridiculous as you can never really stop people from making soup. Thats all I've read so far but it sounds good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The book is finished

Qwilleran moves in with an art critic who works for the paper. The man has a cat with a very large name which Qwilleran shortens to Koko. Koko likes to read the newspaper the man sets on the floor for him backwards (the name for the book). Qwilleran's interest in his subject deepens further when a art shop owner is killed.
After some dead ends Qwilleran is asked to watch the art critic's cat while he is away. Qwilleran accepts and is surprised to see how smart Koko is. Soon after the art critic comes back Qwilleran comes back to find Koko wanting him to go into the man's apartment. It turns out the art critic has been murdered! With the art critic gone Koko moves in with Qwilleran and shows how smart he really is by showing Qwilleran to some very important clues. One turns out to be a valuable painting and the other a secret room. Upon coming back to it Qwilleran meets up with the murderer and all the clues fall into place.
I finished the book it was very good and I would recommend it to those who a little higher up in vocabulary or those who can infere a lot about words from their surrounds for this is an adult mystery book.