Saturday, December 13, 2008

Miggory Sow's story

Miggory's mother died when she was six. Mig's father sold her the very day her mother died to man for a red table cloth, a hen, and a handful of cigarettes. Mig called the man who purchased her "Uncle." "Uncle" wasn't related to Mig in anyway though. Mig however recieved clouts to the however that made her hard of hearing. The less she heard the more things she did wrong. The more things she did wrong the more clouts to ear she got. The more clouts to the ear she got the less she heard. So went this never ending circle.
When Mig turned seven she was forced to watch the sheep. In the pasture she saw the King, the Queen and the Princess. That was how she got the idea that she wanted to be a Princess. A soldier comes when Mig is twelve. He is their by the order of the King to take away Uncle's kettle, spoons, and bowls. As it is illegal for a person to own another person the soldier takes Miggory with him to the castle where she will be a servant not a slave.

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