Saturday, December 13, 2008

The end of the rat's story

Roscuro finally gets out of the dugeon. Dazzled by it all he admires all the light the streams through the stain glass windows. He soon discovers a party that royal family is having. Everyone is dressed up in bright clothes and their are jugglers and entertainers at the party. The rat was so dazzled by it that he invited himself to the party.
He climbed his way up to the chandiler. There the Princess spotted him. When she called out that their was a rat on the chandiler Roscuro fell right into the Queen's soup. The Queen's favorite food was soup and when see a rat in her soup she simply look at it for a moment. Then she threw her spoon and scream before saying "Their is a rat in my soup" and dying. Then when everyone was busy trying to save the Queen, Roscuro had been forgotten. He looked back and saw the Princess glaring at him. This broke his heart. He then put the Queen's soup spoon on his head and vowed revenge. After that he went back to the dungeon.
The king also had the idea to outlaw rats. Of course how do you outlaw outlaws? The king's men tried to go into the dungeon and kill the rats but as rats aren't found unless the want to be the simply wasted their time.

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